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Alegre is a pure Andalucian gelding, At 12 years old he is still dapple grey but gone whiter with age like all his Spanish relatives. His looks and paces are spectacular, and his character is happy and full of spirit. At the same time he is steady and sensible out on the rides. Riding a pure Andalucian horse is something you shall never forget

Web: http://rideinspain.worldofgalina.com

Hitos, itinerario y alojamientos afiliados.

Los Caballos

Bullet, the bay gelding may not be as spectacularly beautiful as the stallions but everyone who rides him comes back smiling.

Caramelo, our other gelding, is 19 years young!He may be getting on in age, but physically he's still a little athlete, forward going, and raring to go and beat the youngsters in a gallop.A fun and safe ride for lighter riders.

Alegre is a pure Andalucian gelding, At 12 years old

At just four years old Zorro is the youngster of Rancho Bravo, currently in training and only ridden by Kalle



Tel: (0034) - 609775802
Email: info@horseroad.com
Poblacion: Ronda
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